Collisional Effects on Molecular Spectra: Laborato experiments and models, consequences for applications

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Jean-Michel Hartmann, Christian Boulet, Daniel Robert / Collisional Effects on Molecular Spectra: Laborato experiments and models, consequences for applications / Gas phase molecular spectroscopy is a powerful tool for obtaining information on the geometry and internal structure of ...Название:Collisional Effects on Molecular Spectra: Laborato experiments and models, consequences for applications
Автор:Jean-Michel Hartmann, Christian Boulet, Daniel Robert
Количество страниц:432
Цена:14 506 руб.
Описание:Gas phase molecular spectroscopy is a powerful tool for obtaining information on the geometry and internal structure of isolated molecules as well as on the interactions that they undergo. It enables the study of fundamental parameters and processes and is also used for the sounding of gas media through optical techniques. It has been facing always renewed challenges, due to the considerable improvement of experimental techniques and the increasing demand for accuracy and scope of remote sensing applications. In practice, the radiating molecule is usually not isolated but diluted in a mixture at significant total pressure. The collisions among the molecules composing the gas can have a large influence on the spectral shape, affecting all wavelength regions through various mechanisms. These must be taken into account for the correct analysis and prediction of the resulting spectra. This book reviews our current experimental and theoretical knowledge and the practical consequences of...
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