Incentives and Instruments for Sustainable Irrigation

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H. Bjornlund / Incentives and Instruments for Sustainable Irrigation / This is the first book that looks at Sustainable Irrigation in a holisticway by considering the need for interdependence ...Название:Incentives and Instruments for Sustainable Irrigation
Автор:H. Bjornlund
Количество страниц:240
Цена:17 601 руб.
Описание:This is the first book that looks at Sustainable Irrigation in a holisticway by considering the need for interdependence of the objectives ofsustainable agriculture, sustainable water management, sustainable water infrastructure, sustainable irrigation communities and a sustainable environment and the need to reallocate water among competing users, and the need for water and food security in an environment of scarcity. It doesthis by accepting the linkages between these objectives and the need to change behavior and perceptions when it comes to water and how water is used. It also considers the need for new institutional and governancestructures as well as robust allocation frameworks to deal with climate change, both from a theoretical and conceptual perspective and by a numberof case studies from around the world.The book deals with the complex issue of promoting the development of sustainable irrigation. It does not see sustainable irrigation as a fixed defined endpoint but rather...
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