A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial and Industrial Facilities

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Mohan Seneviratne / A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial and Industrial Facilities / Industry and commerce use vast amounts of water and in some parts of the world water is becoming a scarce commodity. We ...Название:A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial and Industrial Facilities
Автор:Mohan Seneviratne
Издатель:Elsevier Science
Количество страниц:400
Цена:7 602 руб.
Описание:Industry and commerce use vast amounts of water and in some parts of the world water is becoming a scarce commodity. We need to take more care in our future use of water, and this book is a ’best practice’ manual for industrial and commercial users world-wide. It offers a practical account of the measures which can be taken to re-educate industrial and commercial users in the techniques of water saving and re-use anywhere in the world. The principles are covered in detail and supported by examples from specific industries and commercial operations. Author Mohan Seneviratne is Manager of Sydney Water’s ’Every Drop Counts Business Program’, which won the prestigious 2006 Stockholm Industry Water Award in recognition of how the utility is working in partnership with business, industry and government to help ensure the long-term sustainability of Sydney’s water supply. VERY topical subject Based on Australian experience First book to cover this problem for...
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