Providence of a Sparrow : Lessons from a Life Gone to the Birds

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Chris Chester / Providence of a Sparrow : Lessons from a Life Gone to the Birds / Book Description «There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.» —William Shakespeare, Hamlet B fell ...Название:Providence of a Sparrow : Lessons from a Life Gone to the Birds
Автор:Chris Chester
Количество страниц:304
Цена:1 660 руб.
Описание:Book Description «There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.» —William Shakespeare, Hamlet B fell twenty-five feet from his nest into the life of Chris Chester. The encounter was providential for both of them. B and Chester spent hours together playing games like bottle-cap fetch or hide-and-seek. They learned «words» in each other’s vocabularies. B developed a fetish for nostrils and a dislike of the color yellow. He grew anxious if Chester came home late from work. At bedtime he would rub his sleepy eyes on Chester’s thumb and settle to sleep in his palm. Chester ended up turning part of his house into an aviary and adjusting his social life to meet B’s demands. This was a small price to pay, though, for the trust and comfort of a twenty-five-gram friend who brought joy and wonder back into his life.
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