Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Developments in Environmental Science)

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R. Guo / Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Developments in Environmental Science) / Book DescriptionThis essay is about the management of natural and environmental resources in cross-border areas. It ...Название:Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Developments in Environmental Science)
Автор:R. Guo
Цена:18 193 руб.
Описание:Book DescriptionThis essay is about the management of natural and environmental resources in cross-border areas. It explores a group of geographical, political, legal, economic and cultural factors that arise when political units (such as sovereign countries, dependent states and other administrative units) seek to utilize natural and environmental resources efficiently and equitably while minimizing the resultant damages (for example, prevention of resource degradation and preservation of the physical environment). This study considers various types of cross-border areas — at both international and sub-national levels. The main objectives of this book are: — To clarify how natural and human systems interact in cross-border areas under conditions of uncertain, imperfect information and, in some circumstances, irreversibility; — To identify and, where possible, quantify the various impacts of ’border’ on the environmental activities in cross-border areas;
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