Forest Inventory: Methodology and Applications

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 / Forest Inventory: Methodology and Applications / This book has been developed as a forest inventory textbook for students and can also serve as a handbook for practical ...Название:Forest Inventory: Methodology and Applications
Количество страниц:362
Цена:15 684 руб.
Описание:This book has been developed as a forest inventory textbook for students and can also serve as a handbook for practical foresters. The book is divided into four sections. The first section deals mostly with sampling issues. First, we present the basic sampling designs at a fairly non-technical mathematical level. In addition, we present some more advanced sampling issues often needed in forest inventory. Those include for instance problems with systematic sampling, and methods for sampling vegetation or rare populations. Forest inventory also includes issues that are unique to forestry, like problems in measuring sample plots in the field, or utilising sample tree measurements. These issues include highly sophisticated methodology, but we try to present these also such that forestry students can grasp the ideas behind them. Each method is presented with examples. For foresters who need more details, references are given to more advanced scientific papers and books in the fields of...
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