Global Warming : Personal Solutions for a Healthy Planet

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Chris Spence / Global Warming : Personal Solutions for a Healthy Planet / Book Description Global warming is the greatest environmental threat facing humanity. From killer heat waves and ...Название:Global Warming : Personal Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Автор:Chris Spence
Количество страниц:208
Цена:4 125 руб.
Описание:Book Description Global warming is the greatest environmental threat facing humanity. From killer heat waves and increasingly violent weather to the spread of pests and vector-borne diseases, global warming has many effects on our lives. While some are positive, most are negative. People fear potentially catastrophic consequences but there is a disturbing lack of understanding about global warming and what can be done about it. Global Warming breaks through the jargon, offering readers both a clear description of the problem and a practical guide to solutions, from decreasing reliance on automobiles to increased recycling to political activism. It offers hope that each of us can be doing something to solve the problem and encourages us to act—not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.
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