A Thousand Barrels a Second : The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World

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Peter Tertzakian / A Thousand Barrels a Second : The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World / Book DescriptionHow the world’s dizzying consumption of oil is poised to forever change worldeconomies and businesses ...Название:A Thousand Barrels a Second : The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World
Автор:Peter Tertzakian
Количество страниц:240
Цена:2 855 руб.
Описание:Book DescriptionHow the world’s dizzying consumption of oil is poised to forever change worldeconomies and businesses By the end of 2005, world oil consumption will for the first time exceed 1,000 barrels per second. That’s the jumping-off point for AThousand Barrels a Second , in which chief energy economist and investment strategist Peter Tertzakian delivers an informed and provocative look at the future of oil, providing advice to those making multimillion dollar decisions about their businesses, investments, or economies. He explains the issues behind the world’s growing dependence on oil, explores the ramifications of this insatiable consumption for our nation and emerging powers such as China, and predicts the most likely scenarios arising out of this volatile shift between supply and demand.
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