The Seasons of Cumberland Island (A Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book)

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Fred Whitehead / The Seasons of Cumberland Island (A Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book) / Book DescriptionCumberland Island is the largest and most beloved of the Georgia barrier islands. Although it can be ...Название:The Seasons of Cumberland Island (A Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book)
Автор:Fred Whitehead
Количество страниц:95
Цена:4 494 руб.
Описание:Book DescriptionCumberland Island is the largest and most beloved of the Georgia barrier islands. Although it can be reached only by boat, more than forty thousand people make the trip each year to enjoy the island’s natural splendor and solitude. As on most barrier islands, human activity has long been a shaping force on Cumberland. It is among the few islands, however, that we have let return to a relatively natural state. With its expansive oceanfront beaches, dunes, interior maritime forests, freshwater ponds, tidal creeks, and salt marshes, Cumberland is all the more special for its restored natural environment. In The Seasons of Cumberland Island, naturalist and photographer Fred Whitehead captures the unique allure of the island’s flora and fauna in 118 stunning full-color photographs. Moving through seasons punctuated by the comings and goings of such animals as the migratory birds that pass through in autumn and spring and the loggerhead turtles that nest here in summer,...
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