Weather Forecasting: The Country Way

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Robin Page / Weather Forecasting: The Country Way / Ever wanted to know if the sun will really shine tomorrow? Well, if you follow the wonderful, clear-sighted advice in ...Название:Weather Forecasting: The Country Way
Автор:Robin Page
Издатель:Penguin Books Ltd.
Количество страниц:80
Цена:447 руб.
Описание:Ever wanted to know if the sun will really shine tomorrow? Well, if you follow the wonderful, clear-sighted advice in this classic book, you could find yourself able to make accurate forecasts whatever the weather — ensuring your camping trips are dry, your nature trails comfortable or bracing, and your wild swims just the right kind of wet. Telling you what happens if it rains on St Swithin’s Day, or if there’s a red sky at night, if it snows at Easter or if spiders spin long webs, «Weather Forecasting The Country Way» will put you in touch with thousands of years of British wisdom and heritage. In amusing and delightful prose, Robin Page shows how applying simple common sense to country lore — based on observing animal and plant behaviour, watching clouds, the stars and the moon — anyone can become well-versed in Britain’s difficult to predict and often wayward weather.
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