Solar Water Heating: Revised & Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems

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Bob Ramlow, Benjamin Nusz / Solar Water Heating: Revised & Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems / Heating water with the sun is a practice almost as old as humankind itself. Solar Water Heating, now completely revised ...Название:Solar Water Heating: Revised & Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems
Автор:Bob Ramlow, Benjamin Nusz
Издатель:New Society Publishers
Количество страниц:256
Цена:3 070 руб.
Описание:Heating water with the sun is a practice almost as old as humankind itself. Solar Water Heating, now completely revised and expanded, is the definitive guide to this clean and cost-effective technology. Beginning with a review of the history of solar water and space heating systems from prehistory to the present, Solar Water Heating presents an introduction to modern solar energy systems, energy conservation, and energy economics. Drawing on the authors’ experiences as designers and installers of these systems, the book goes on to cover: Types of solar collectors, solar water, and space heating systems and solar pool heating systems, including their advantages and disadvantages. System components, their installation, operation, and maintenance. System sizing and siting. Choosing the appropriate system. This book focuses on the financial aspects of solar water or space heating systems, clearly showing that such systems generate significant...
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