Living With the Rescues: Life Lessons and Inspirations

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Sharon Langford / Living With the Rescues: Life Lessons and Inspirations / Can your dog teach you a thing or two about life? Sharon Langford thinks so. In a series of sixteen stories, she shares ...Название:Living With the Rescues: Life Lessons and Inspirations
Автор:Sharon Langford
Количество страниц:128
Цена:2 315 руб.
Описание:Can your dog teach you a thing or two about life? Sharon Langford thinks so. In a series of sixteen stories, she shares the lessons she has learned from a lifetime of rescuing and caring for homeless and injured dogs. Each of the stories prove that as with their human sidekicks, it’s not the pedigree that enables these abandoned and neglected individuals to become faithful and congenial companions, it’s their souls. Some of the instructions Langford has received from her canine friends include the importance of overcoming rigid beliefs; the necessity of approaching life with strength, will, and tenacity; ways to make the most of there you are; the importance of not comparing yourself to others; and the joy of finding the simple pleasures in life. A treasure trove of memorable character studies, life instruction, and helpful ’’Rescue Tips,’’ Living with the Rescues is a call to arms for readers to open their hearts and doors to the neediest.
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