Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals (Blackwell Public Philosophy Series)

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Jean Kazez / Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals (Blackwell Public Philosophy Series) / By exploring the ethical differences between humans and animals, Animalkind establishes a middle ground between ...Название:Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals (Blackwell Public Philosophy Series)
Автор:Jean Kazez
Количество страниц:216
Цена:3 180 руб.
Описание:By exploring the ethical differences between humans and animals, Animalkind establishes a middle ground between egalitarianism and outright dismissal of animal rights. A thought-provoking foray into our complex and contradictory relationship with animals Advocates that we owe each animal due respect Offers readers a sensible alternative to extremism by speaking of respect and compassion for animals, not rights Balances philosophical analysis with intriguing facts and engaging tales
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