Environmental Social Science: HumanEnvironment interactions and Sustainability

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Emilio Moran / Environmental Social Science: HumanEnvironment interactions and Sustainability / Environmental Social Science offers a new synthesis of environmental studies, defining the nature of human-environment ...Название:Environmental Social Science: HumanEnvironment interactions and Sustainability
Автор:Emilio Moran
Количество страниц:232
Цена:7 078 руб.
Описание:Environmental Social Science offers a new synthesis of environmental studies, defining the nature of human-environment interactions and providing the foundation for a new cross-disciplinary enterprise that will make critical theories and research methods accessible across the natural and social sciences. Makes key theories and methods of the social sciences available to biologists and other environmental scientists Explains biological theories and concepts for the social sciences community working on the environment Helps bridge one of the difficult divides in collaborative work in human-environment research Includes much-needed descriptions of how to carry out research that is multinational, multiscale, multitemporal, and multidisciplinary within a complex systems theory context
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