Eco-Resorts: Planning and Design for the Tropics

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Zbigniew Bromberek / Eco-Resorts: Planning and Design for the Tropics / Eco-Resorts is a design guide for low impact, environmentally friendly tourist resorts in the tropics. The book is the ...Название:Eco-Resorts: Planning and Design for the Tropics
Автор:Zbigniew Bromberek
Издатель:Architectural Press, Elsevier
Количество страниц:238
Цена:2 128 руб.
Описание:Eco-Resorts is a design guide for low impact, environmentally friendly tourist resorts in the tropics. The book is the first to offer architects practical, detailed guidance in developing resort buildings that work with a tropical climate and meet the needs and expectations of the client and building inhabitants. The book includes both architectural design and material solutions, supported by theoretical principles, to present a sustainable approach to resort design. It demonstrates that tropical resort buildings do not necessarily require large energy input, in compliance with green building standards. Case studies show how principles of sustainable design have been successfully applied in tropical environments.
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