Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering)

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J. William Kamphuis / Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering) / This book is based on the author’s 34 years of experience as a teacher/researcher of coastal engineering and ...Название:Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering)
Автор:J. William Kamphuis
Количество страниц:600
Цена:11 664 руб.
Описание:This book is based on the author’s 34 years of experience as a teacher/researcher of coastal engineering and management and on recent reflections on contemporary issues, such as consequences of failure, impacts of rising sea levels, aging infrastructure, real estate development and contemporary decision making, design and education. This textbook for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and practicing engineers covers waves, structures, sediment movement, coastal management, and contemporary coastal design and decision making, presenting both basic principles and engineering solutions.It discusses the traditional methods of analysis and synthesis (design), but also contemporary design taking into account environmental impacts, consequences of failure, and current concerns such as global warming, aging infrastructure, working with stakeholder groups, regulators, etc. This second edition expands greatly on current topics of failure and resilience that surfaced as a result of...
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