Karst Environments: Karren Formation in High Mountains

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Marton Veress / Karst Environments: Karren Formation in High Mountains / With a focus on karren formation in high mountains, and specifically in the European Alps, this text summarizes the ...Название:Karst Environments: Karren Formation in High Mountains
Автор:Marton Veress
Количество страниц:220
Цена:13 462 руб.
Описание:With a focus on karren formation in high mountains, and specifically in the European Alps, this text summarizes the scientific results of systematic observations made during field trips, as well as the interpretation, using modern analytical methods, of the data collected. Marton Veress, who has been working in different types of karren landscapes for more than fifteen years, presents the conditions and processes of high mountain karren formation as well as the properties of karren features. The book analyzes karren phenomena, their development, and their formation under different environmental conditions. Introductory chapters provide an overview of karren formations, in addition to charting the history of research into karst environments at high altitude. The author then provides details of the sampling sites and the localities he has studied, and experimental procedures undertaken. After covering the details of the age and rate of karren form development, Veress gives an in-depth...
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