The Illustrated History of Natural Disasters

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Jan Kozak, Vladimir Cermak / The Illustrated History of Natural Disasters / The book is a richly illustrated, pictorial album. The content and arrangement of the book is based on a collection of ...Название:The Illustrated History of Natural Disasters
Автор:Jan Kozak, Vladimir Cermak
Количество страниц:241
Цена:9 745 руб.
Описание:The book is a richly illustrated, pictorial album. The content and arrangement of the book is based on a collection of original rare engravings belonging to the private collection of Jan Kozak. The individual full-page reproductions give historical views on natural disasters such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, landslides and rock falls. The illustrations are accompanied by informative text describing the geophysical and historical background of the disasters, the origin of each of the engravings and the stories behind the events as well as modern day perspectives.
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