Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries

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Robin Allen, James A. Joseph, Dale Squires / Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries / Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries focuses on rights-based management and the creation of ...Название:Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries
Автор:Robin Allen, James A. Joseph, Dale Squires
Количество страниц:392
Цена:24 146 руб.
Описание:Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries focuses on rights-based management and the creation of economic incentives to manage transnational tuna fisheries. Transnational tuna fisheries are among the most important fisheries in the world, and tuna commissions are increasingly shifting toward this approach. Comprehensively covering the subject, Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries summarizes global experience and offers practical applications for applying rights-based management and the creation of economic incentives, addressing potential problems as well as the total level of capacity.
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