Architecture in a Climate of Change

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Peter F. Smith / Architecture in a Climate of Change / Revised to incorporate and reflect changes and advances since it was first published the new edition of Architecture in ...Название:Architecture in a Climate of Change
Автор:Peter F. Smith
Издатель:Architectural Press
Количество страниц:294
Цена:990 руб.
Описание:Revised to incorporate and reflect changes and advances since it was first published the new edition of Architecture in a Climate of Change provides the latest basic principals of sustainability and the future of sustainable technology. Including new material on wind generation, domestic water conservation, solar thermal electricity as well as international case studies Architecture in a Climate of Change encourages readers to consider new approaches to building making minimum demand on fossil based energy. 1. Offers an insight into the relationship between the physical and cultural context of architecture. 2. Discusses the principles of sustainability and the future of its technology. 3. Case studies show the global relevance of the topic.
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