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EcoVillage at Ithaca : Pioneering a Sustainable Culture / Book Description In a world filled with stories of environmental devastation and social dysfunction, EcoVillage at Ithaca is a refreshing and hopeful look at a modern-day village that is taking an integrated approach to addressing these problems. This book tells the story of life at EcoVillage at ItEcoVillage at Ithaca : Pioneering a Sustainable Culture
Book Description In a world filled with stories of environmental devastation and social dysfunction, EcoVillage at Ithaca is a refreshing and hopeful ...
Computational Methods for the Atmosphere and the Oceans, Volume 14: Special Volume (Handbook of Numerical Analysis) / This book provides a survey of the frontiers of research in the numerical modeling and mathematical analysis used in the study of the atmosphere and oceans. The details of the current practices in global atmospheric and ocean models, the assimilation of observational data into such models and the nuComputational Methods for the Atmosphere and the Oceans, Volume 14: Special Volume (Handbook of Numerical Analysis)
This book provides a survey of the frontiers of research in the numerical modeling and mathematical analysis used in the study of the atmosphere and ...
Пища людей / Традиционная кухня — своеобразное отражение экосистемы, в которой формировалась та или иная группа обитателей планеты. В книге с точки зрения врача и антрополога рассмотрены причины возникновения различий в питании у представителей различных групп населения планеты — жителей тропиков, жарких пустыньПища людей
Традиционная кухня — своеобразное отражение экосистемы, в которой формировалась ...