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Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature (Animals Culture And Society) / What is it really like to be a dog? Do animals experience emotions like pleasure, joy, and grief? Marc Bekoff’s work draws world-wide attention for its originality and its probing into what animals think about and know as well as what they feel, what physical and mental skills they use to live succeAnimal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature (Animals Culture And Society)
What is it really like to be a dog? Do animals experience emotions like pleasure, joy, and grief? Marc Bekoff’s work draws world-wide attention for ...
Ozonation of Water and Waste Water: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Applications / The leading resource on ozone technology, this book contains everything from chemical basics to technical and economic concerns. The text has been updated to include the latest developments in water treatment and industrial processes. Following an introduction, the first part looks at toxicology, reOzonation of Water and Waste Water: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Applications
The leading resource on ozone technology, this book contains everything from chemical basics to technical and economic concerns. The text has been ...
Становление экологических концепций в СССР. Семь выдающихся теорий / Настоящая книга содержит детальный анализ научного наследия ряда выдающихся представителей отечественной экологической мысли — Д. Н. Кашкарова, В. В. Станчинского, С. А. Северцова, В. Н. Беклемишева, Л. Г. Раменского, Р. Ф. Геккера, Л. С. Берга. Созданные ими концепции базируются на общебиологическоСтановление экологических концепций в СССР. Семь выдающихся теорий
Настоящая книга содержит детальный анализ научного наследия ряда выдающихся ...