
Апобиосфера — высшие слои атмосферы (выше 60-80 км), в которые никогда, даже случайно не поднимаются живые организмы и куда биогенные вещества заносятся лишь в очень незначительном количестве.

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Последняя цивилизация? Человек. Общество. Природа / В монографии проанализировано критическое состояние биосферы, возникшее под влиянием усиливающегося антропогенного давления на природу. Показано, как вследствие бесконтрольного саморазвития военно-промышленного, топливно-энергетического комплексов, химических и радиологических производств, гидромелиПоследняя цивилизация? Человек. Общество. Природа
В монографии проанализировано критическое состояние биосферы, возникшее под ...
Critical Excitation Methods in Earthquake Engineering / Since the occurrence of earthquakes and their properties are very uncertain even with the present knowledge, it is too difficult to define reasonable design ground motions especially for important buildings. In the seismic resistant design of building structures, the concept of «performance-based deCritical Excitation Methods in Earthquake Engineering
Since the occurrence of earthquakes and their properties are very uncertain even with the present knowledge, it is too difficult to define reasonable ...
Solar Water Heating: Revised & Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems / Heating water with the sun is a practice almost as old as humankind itself. Solar Water Heating, now completely revised and expanded, is the definitive guide to this clean and cost-effective technology. Beginning with a review of the history of solar water and space heating systems from prehistory tSolar Water Heating: Revised & Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems
Heating water with the sun is a practice almost as old as humankind itself. Solar Water Heating, now completely revised and expanded, is the ...