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Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don’t Want You to Know / Is the weather truly getting worse? When it comes to global warming, dire predictions seem to be all we see or hear. Climatologists Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling Jr. explain why the news and information we receive about global warming have become so apocalyptic. The science itself has become iClimate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don’t Want You to Know
Is the weather truly getting worse? When it comes to global warming, dire predictions seem to be all we see or hear. Climatologists Patrick Michaels ...
Heavy Metals in the Environment: Origin, Interaction and Remediation, Volume 6 (Interface Science and Technology) / Book DescriptionExcessive levels of heavy metals can be introduced into the environment, for example, by industrial waste or fertilizers. Soil represents a major sink for heavy metals ions, which can then enter the food chain via plants or leaching into groundwater. In Heavy Metal Ions in the EnviroHeavy Metals in the Environment: Origin, Interaction and Remediation, Volume 6 (Interface Science and Technology)
Book DescriptionExcessive levels of heavy metals can be introduced into the environment, for example, by industrial waste or fertilizers. Soil ...
Общество и природная среда / В монографии рассматриваются тенденции развития общества, проблемы его взаимодействия с окружающей средой, анализируются негативные аспекты функционирования капиталистического способа производства и его воздействие на природу и на качество жизни людей. Значительное внимание уделено проблемам российсОбщество и природная среда
В монографии рассматриваются тенденции развития общества, проблемы его ...