
Водосбор — часть земной поверхности и толща почв и горных пород, откуда вода поступает к водному объекту.

Выделяют поверхностный и подземный водосборы.

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Cross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Developments in Environmental Science) / Book DescriptionThis essay is about the management of natural and environmental resources in cross-border areas. It explores a group of geographical, political, legal, economic and cultural factors that arise when political units (such as sovereign countries, dependent states and other administrativCross-Border Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Developments in Environmental Science)
Book DescriptionThis essay is about the management of natural and environmental resources in cross-border areas. It explores a group of geographical, ...
Ozonation of Water and Waste Water: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Applications / The leading resource on ozone technology, this book contains everything from chemical basics to technical and economic concerns. The text has been updated to include the latest developments in water treatment and industrial processes. Following an introduction, the first part looks at toxicology, reOzonation of Water and Waste Water: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Applications
The leading resource on ozone technology, this book contains everything from chemical basics to technical and economic concerns. The text has been ...
Эффект превегетации: Экологические последействия / В монографии представлены результаты изучения основных закономерностей воздействия факторов среды, участвующих в формировании фенотипа растений материнского поколения на рост и развитие растений потомственного поколения. Рассмотрены особенности влияния на фенотип особи лимитирующих факторов среды: тЭффект превегетации: Экологические последействия
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