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Energy and the Environment / Book DescriptionThis timely book deals with the facts needed to make critical decisions concerning the effects of energy usage on the environment, and provides a better understanding of the complex issues facing our society today. It contains the latest information on the core subjects in this fieldEnergy and the Environment
Book DescriptionThis timely book deals with the facts needed to make critical decisions concerning the effects of energy usage on the environment, and ...
Karst Environments: Karren Formation in High Mountains / With a focus on karren formation in high mountains, and specifically in the European Alps, this text summarizes the scientific results of systematic observations made during field trips, as well as the interpretation, using modern analytical methods, of the data collected. Marton Veress, who has beeKarst Environments: Karren Formation in High Mountains
With a focus on karren formation in high mountains, and specifically in the European Alps, this text summarizes the scientific results of systematic ...
Лёгкие нашей планеты / Под редакцией Б. Н. Головкина и Е. В. Флинта. Тропические леса по праву называют «лёгкими планеты». Об их роли в биоценозе Земли и угрозе, которая нависла над нами, с неподдельной тревогой рассказывает Арнольд Ньюмен, известный американский натуралист, вице-президент Международного общества по сохраЛёгкие нашей планеты
Под редакцией Б. Н. Головкина и Е. В. Флинта. Тропические леса по праву называют ...