Устойчивость зелёных насаждений

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Устойчивость зелёных насаждений

Устойчивость зелёных насаждений — способность насаждении сохранять характер функционирования в условиях воздействия антропогенных факторов.

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Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library) / The book presents a wealth of material about the polar oceans, more specifically the ice-covered areas and peripheral seas. It provides a detailed history of the changing climate of the polar oceans as observed by satellite sensors in the last three decades. The satellite research data show spatial Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library)
The book presents a wealth of material about the polar oceans, more specifically the ice-covered areas and peripheral seas. It provides a detailed ...
Predictability of Tropical Cyclones: «Understanding the limits and uncertainties in Hurricane Prediction» / Through methodology unique for tropical cyclones in peer-reviewed literature and through examination of two tropical cyclone events, this study uses ensemble forecasts, sensitivity analysis, and ensemble data assimilation to explore the dynamics and predictability of tropical cyclone formation with Predictability of Tropical Cyclones: «Understanding the limits and uncertainties in Hurricane Prediction»
Through methodology unique for tropical cyclones in peer-reviewed literature and through examination of two tropical cyclone events, this study uses ...
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Рассматриваются проблемы рационального использования возобновляемых ...