Биологическая мелиорация

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Биологическая мелиорация

Биологическая мелиорация — комплекс работ, направленный на интенсивное повышение плодородия нарушенных земель, урожайности сельскохозяйственных и лесных культур путём применения системы агротехнических и гидромелиоративных мероприятий.

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The Water Business : Corporations Versus People (Global Issues Series) / Book Description The worldwide privatization of public sector services has expanded market opportunities for transnational corporations enormously. Ann-Christian Holland visits countries as far apart as Britain and Argentina, Ghana and South Africa,to find the effect of privatization on that most baThe Water Business : Corporations Versus People (Global Issues Series)
Book Description The worldwide privatization of public sector services has expanded market opportunities for transnational corporations enormously. ...
Forest Mensuration / Van Laar and Akca is popular text book, Forest Mensuration, was first published in 1997. Like that first edition, this modern update is based on extensive research, teaching and practical experience in both Europe, and the tropics and subtropics. However, it has also been extensively revised, and noForest Mensuration
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