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В стуже и зное / Авторы книги — известные советские учёные — на основе последних научных исследований рассказывают о разнообразной зависимости животных от условий обитания, о жизни животных Арктики, лесов, степей, пустынь и высокогорий Советского Союза.В стуже и зное
Авторы книги — известные советские учёные — на основе последних научных ...
The Art of Managing Longleaf: A Personal History of the Stoddard-Neel Approach / Greenwood Plantation in the Red Hills region of southwest Georgia includes a rare one-thousand-acre stand of old-growth longleaf pine woodlands, a remnant of an ecosystem that once covered close to ninety million acres across the Southeast. The Art of Managing Longleaf documents the sometimes controThe Art of Managing Longleaf: A Personal History of the Stoddard-Neel Approach
Greenwood Plantation in the Red Hills region of southwest Georgia includes a rare one-thousand-acre stand of old-growth longleaf pine woodlands, a ...
Arctic Ecological Research from Microwave Satellite Observations / Arctic Ecological Research from Microwave Satellite Observations summarizes the main microwave satellite applications for Arctic ecological research. This book is invaluable to specialists with a background in microwave techniques, and to other ecologists interested in applications of microwave actiArctic Ecological Research from Microwave Satellite Observations
Arctic Ecological Research from Microwave Satellite Observations summarizes the main microwave satellite applications for Arctic ecological research. ...